Kandalaksha on the map, Russian Federation
Where is located Kandalaksha
Exact location — Kandalaksha, gorod Kandalaksha, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, marked on the map with a red marker.
Kandalaksha, Russian Federation coordinates in decimal format: latitude — 67.15, longitude — 32.4. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Kandalaksha has the following coordinates: 67°9′0 north latitude and 32°24′0 east longitude.
Kandalaksha, gorod Kandalaksha, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, according to our data the population is — 38,432 residents, which is about 0% of the total population of the country (Russian Federation).
Comparison of the population on the graph:
Exact time
Time zone for this location Kandalaksha — UTC +3 Europe/Moscow. Exact time — sunday, 12 december 2024 year, 17 h. 51 minute.
Sunrise and sunset
Kandalaksha, sunrise and sunset data for a date — sunday 15.12.2024.
Sunrise | Sunset | Day (duration) |
-0 minutes | -0 minutes | 0 h. 0 minutes. -0 minutes |
You can control the scale of the map using the auxiliary tools to find out exactly where it is located Kandalaksha. When you change the scale of the map, the width of the ruler also changes (in kilometers and miles).
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Oulu (Finland) — 401 km
- Severodvinsk — 455 km
- Arkhangelsk — 483 km
- Petrozavodsk — 602 km
- Tampere (Finland) — 773 km
- Saint Petersburg — 806 km
- Kolpino — 826 km
- Vantaa (Finland) — 859 km
- Helsinki (Finland) — 874 km
- Espoo (Finland) — 878 km
- Turku (Finland) — 924 km
- Cherepovets — 940 km
- Tallinn (Estonia) — 955 km
- Vologda — 974 km
- Tartu (Estonia) — 1024 km
- Pskov — 1059 km
- Rybinsk — 1074 km
- Ukhta — 1121 km
- Syktyvkar — 1141 km
Distance to neighboring capitals:
- Helsinki (Finland) — 857 km
- Tallinn (Estonia) — 938 km
- Mariehamn (Åland Islands) — 994 km
- Stockholm (Sweden) — 1128 km
- Rīga (Latvia) — 1212 km
- Oslo (Norway) — 1330 km
- Vilnius (Lithuania) — 1436 km
- Minsk (Belarus) — 1496 km
- Warsaw (Poland) — 1772 km
- Kyiv (Ukraine) — 1860 km
- Prague (Czech Republic) — 2147 km
- Bucharest (Romania) — 2555 km
- Astana (Kazakhstan) — 2772 km
- Tbilisi (Georgia) — 2927 km
- Yerevan (Armenia) — 3091 km
- Tehran (Iran) — 3703 km
- Khan-Uul (Mongolian) — 4576 km
- Kathmandu (Nepal) — 5621 km
- Beijing (China) — 5730 km
- Pyongyang (North Korea) — 6201 km
- Seoul (South Korea) — 6396 km
- Hanoi (Vietnam) — 7149 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Moscow) is about — 1296 km.