Where is located Saint Florian on the map, United States. Geographic coordinates in decimal format, as well as degrees, minutes and seconds. Exact time and time zone. How long is the day and night, sunrise and sunset information.
Exact location — Saint Florian, Lauderdale County, Alabama, United States, marked on the map with a red marker.
Saint Florian, United States coordinates in decimal format: latitude — 34.8734033, longitude — -87.6233517. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Saint Florian has the following coordinates: 34°52′24.25 north latitude and -87°37′24.07 east longitude.
Exact time
Time zone for this location Saint Florian — UTC -5 America/Chicago. Exact time — monday, 12 december 2024 year, 06 h. 23 minutes.
Sunrise and sunset
Saint Florian, sunrise and sunset data for a date — monday 2.12.2024.
Day (duration)
07:44 +1 minute
17:35 -1 minute
9 h. 54 minutes. -2 minutes
You can control the scale of the map using the auxiliary tools to find out exactly where it is located Saint Florian. When you change the scale of the map, the width of the ruler also changes (in kilometers and miles).
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
Huntsville — 96 km
Nashville — 161 km
Birmingham — 168 km
Clarksville — 185 km
Chattanooga — 210 km
Memphis — 221 km
Montgomery — 303 km
Atlanta — 322 km
Evansville — 343 km
Knoxville — 352 km
Jackson — 372 km
Louisville — 407 km
Little Rock — 424 km
Mobile — 464 km
Saint Louis — 471 km
Cincinnati — 538 km
Indianapolis — 555 km
Springfield — 562 km
Tallahassee — 585 km
Distance to neighboring capitals:
Ottawa (Canada) — 1547 km
Belmopan (Belize) — 1963 km
Mexico City (Mexico) — 2057 km
Guatemala City (Guatemala) — 2272 km
Nuuk (Greenland) — 4056 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Washington) is about — 1042 km.