Kelso — Waller distance, route on the map
Distance by car
Distance between Kelso, Washington, United States and Waller, Texas, United States by car is — km, or miles. To travel this distance by car, you need minute, or h.
Route on the map, driving directions
Car route Kelso — Waller was created automatically. The road on the map is shown as a blue line. By moving the markers, you can create a new route through the points you need.
Passing cities through which the car route passes: Lindbergh, Kalama, La Center, Brush Prairie, Orchards, Portland International Airport, Gresham, Troutdale, Springdale, Corbett, North Bonneville, Cascade Locks, Stevenson, Hood River, White Salmon, Bingen, Mosier, Lyle, Dallesport, The Dalles, Wishram, Rufus, Boardman Airport, Hermiston, Stanfield, Eastern Oregon Regional Airport at Pendleton, Pendleton, Meacham, La Grande, North Powder, Baker City, Baker County, Payette, Ontario, Fruitland, New Plymouth, Canyon County, Caldwell, Nampa, Meridian, Boise, Boise, Mountain Home, Hammett, Glenns Ferry, Bliss, Hagerman, Kimberly, Hazelton, Burley, Travers, Snowville, Tremonton, Tremonton Municipal Airport, Honeyville, Corinne, Brigham City, Ogden, Washington Terrace, Riverdale, Morgan County, Henefer, Coalville, Fort Bridger, Lyman, Rock Springs, Rawlins, Sinclair, Elk Mountain, Laramie, Cheyenne, Carr, Fort Collins, Timnath, Loveland, Mead, Rancho De Aereo Airport, Dacono, Thornton, North Washington, Denver, Glendale, Cherry Hills Village, Greenwood Village, Castlewood, Centennial, Lone Tree, Castle Rock, Douglas County, Palmer Lake, Monument, Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Fountain, Pueblo, Walsenburg, Aguilar, Ludlow, Trinidad, Raton, Capulin, Des Moines, Texline, Perico, Dalhart, Channing, Amarillo, Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport, Claude, Hedley, Childress, Quanah, Chillicothe, Electra, Iowa Park, Wichita Falls, Alvord, Wise County, Rhome, Blue Mound, Haltom City, Tarrant County, Fort Worth, Forest Hill, Crowley, Burleson, Alvarado, Hillsboro, Abbott, Waco, Riesel, Marlin Airport, Bremond, Calvert, Hearne, Bryan, Brazos County, College Station, Millican, Navasota, Hempstead, Prairie View.
Distance by plane
If you decide to take a trip Kelso Waller by plane, then you have to fly the distance — 2939 km or 1822 miles. It is marked on the map with a gray line (between two points in a straight line).
Flight time
Estimated flight time Kelso Waller by plane at cruising speed 750 km / h will be — 3 h. and 55 min.
Direction of movement
United States, Kelso — right-hand traffic. United States, Waller — right-hand traffic.
Difference in time
Kelso and Waller are in different time zones. The time difference is 2 hours (UTC -7 America/Los_Angeles, UTC -5 America/Chicago).
Interesting Facts
Information on alternative ways to get to your destination.
The length of this distance is about 7.3% of the total length of the equator.
The percentage of the population is clearly shown in the graph:
Kelso — 11,648, Waller — 2,056 residents (less by 9,592).
The cost of travel
Calculate the cost of the trip yourself using the fuel consumption calculator, changing the data in the table.